COVID CENTURY - The Pandemic Preparedness Dilemma


COVID-19 claimed millions of lives and brought the world to a temporary standstill. Was it really inevitable that the pandemic would take on such an extent?

CEPI has the pleasure of inviting you to an evening screening of the documentary COVID Century followed by a high-level panel debate: How can we prepare to do better next time? Developing pandemic-beating vaccines in 100 days.

It is over three years since the emergence of COVID-19 and since CEPI made its first investments in vaccines against the new disease. It is critical that we are able to learn the right lessons from the pandemic as well as look to prepare the world much better for future viral risks.

As well as looking at the pandemic through the lens of the documentary, we will explore in the panel session how we can get better and more equitably prepared for future epidemic and pandemic crises.

Camilla Stoltenberg, Director General of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health	Gunnveig Grødeland, Senior Researcher at the University of Oslo 	Hanne Mette Dyrlie Kristensen, CEO of The Life Science Cluster 	Frederik Kristensen, Deputy CEO of CEPI 	Moderator: Kate Kelland, Chief Scientific Writer at CEPI and author of  Disease X

About the film:
The film highlights key moments of the first ten weeks after the discovery of the new disease. They were crucial to the pandemic's global spread. Jeremy Farrar, one of the world's leading scientist, says, "We could have stopped the pandemic."

In most peoples’ memories the Covid-19 pandemic started in the first weeks of spring 2020. But the decisive period for why the outbreak in Wuhan turned into an epidemic that took a global starts much earlier. In a previously unseen manner, the investigative film by Michael Wech puts under close scrutiny the events around the first ten weeks immediately following the outbreak. It shows how the Chinese authorities withheld crucial information and impeded for weeks any attempt to share the identity of the new pathogen with the international community. This fatal delay circumvented global containment strategies hindering the development of much needed diagnostic tests and vaccines.

Director Michael Wech (Schumacher, „Hello, Dictator“ – Orbán, the EU and the rule of law, Resistance Fighters) is a multiple award recipient for his documentaries. Director of Photography Johannes Imdahl (Nowitzki – The Perfect Shot, Resistance Fighters, KROOS, KLTISCHKO) filmed “COVID CENTURY” entirely in 4K.

The Film is produced by Emmy award-winner Leopold Hoesch (Klitschko, Nowitzki, Angela Merkel: The Unexpected), Creative Producer is Peter Wolf (Schwarze Adler, Nowitzki. The perfect shot, Resistance Fighters). The production was financially supported by Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and HessenFilm.

This screening is a collaboration between CEPI, Broadview Pictures and Vega Scene.
